Hayward Kiwi Plant
Hayward Kiwi Plant - is a dioecious plant: it needs the male Tomuri Kiwi to bear fruit. It is a climbing vine and is the most cultivated variety.
The Hayward Kiwi plant has a medium-large fruit with thick skin and covered with down, its flesh is bright green.
The kiwi is a dioecious plant: it needs female (productive) plants and male (unproductive) plants. The Hayward Kiwi needs the male Tomuri to fruit, the ratio is 1 to 7. It is a climbing vine with deciduous leaves with rapid development. This is the most cultivated variety, it has a medium-large fruit, thick skin, covered with fuzz and its flesh is bright green with light streaks and numerous small seeds.
The plants are shipped by iocoli vivai with a dedicated courier. Map accompanied by photo and passport certificate.
Cerco alcune piante di kiwi che siano innestate su piante madri SAV UNO. Le trovo da voi?
Salve, dal vivaio ci riferiscono che il KIWI BOUNTY (SAV UNO) sarà disponibile solo da gennaio 2023.