Peach Percoco plant (selectable variety)
Tax included
Buy online the percoco peach plants Baby Gold 5, Baby Gold 6, Baby Gold 9, Madonna di Luglio, Bianco locale, Settembrino P.B., Settembrino Umponato, Precoce Locale. Select the variety above the "add to cart" button.
The plants are shipped by iocoli vivai with a dedicated courier. Map with photo and passport.
Ripening period (approximately):
Early Local 20/06
Baby Gold 5 25/07
Baby Gold 6 28/07
Baby Gold 9 25/08
Madonna of July --/07
Local white 01/08
Settembrino P.B. 10/09
September 20/09
Settembrino Umponato --/09
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