ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants San Mango fig plant iocoli vivai S.MANGO €15.90 San Mango fig plant - a precious fruit typical of the Irpinia region (Avellino) and Campania. Extraordinarily cold-resistant plant. See
ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants Kiwi Tomuri Pollinator Plant iocoli vivai KIW.TOM €18.50 Kiwi Tomuri Plant Pollinator - is a male kiwi, does not produce fruit and can pollinate up to 7 female kiwis. See
ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants Jiro lotus plant (persimmon or persimmon) iocoli vivai LOT.JIR €15.90 Plant Loti (persimmon or persimmon) Jiro - a very popular variety because it has a round and sweet fruit even when ripe at harvest. Long-lived plant and its thick foliage provides plenty of shade. See
ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants Lotus plant (persimmon or persimmon) chocolate iocoli vivai LOT.CIOC €15.90 Lotus plant (persimmon or persimmon) Chocolate - it is cultivated for its habit, showy alternate leaves, from lanceolate to broadly ovate, simple, often shiny and for its fleshy fruits. See
ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants Chestnut tree inn. Bouche de Betizac iocoli vivai CAST.BET €25.00 Chestnut tree inn. Bouche de Betizac - best Eurasian hybrid, both for fruit and resistance to disease. It produces large chestnuts. See
ESAURITO Various Fruit Plants Chestnut tree inn. Mar. Marradi (2 liter jar) CAST.MARR €25.00 Chestnut tree inn. Marr. Marradi - belongs to the Fagaceae family. Originally from Marradi and is called Marron Buono for its excellent organoleptic characteristics. See