Feijoa plant (or Acca Sellowiana) 5 liter pot
Feijoa plant - fairly easy tree to grow, shrubby and bushy. The fruits are large, oval or pyriform rich in vitamins and mineral salts.
Feijoa Plant
Feijoa is a scenic plant and quite easy to grow. The Feijoa (or Acca Sellowiana) is a shrubby and bushy species, but easily convertible into a fruit tree. The plant has a gray bark and the leaves are oval-oblong of a dark green color, shiny on the upper part while the lower part is felted; When crumpled, they give off a pleasant smell similar to that of myrtle. The fruits are large, oval or piriform and are edible as well as extremely fragrant. Feijoa fruits are a real "treasure chest" of health, rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and mineral salts.
The plant is shipped by iocoli vivai, with a dedicated courier. Map with photo and passport.
che dimensione ha questa pianta al mio acquisto, è in vaso? alta?
Altezza circa 150 cm. Pianta in vaso. Provvederemo a breve ad inserire una foto della pianta. Cordiali saluti