Spare Parts for Venus1 Kasco Full Face Mask
Kasco Spare Parts for Venus1 Full face protection mask : COMPL. VENUS1 FRAME - SCREEN - PROTECTIVE FILM - FILTERS
Parts List:
0309140 COMPL. HARNESS PVC harness with 5 attachments
1711011 VENUS1/ZENITH1 S FRAME Frame for Venus1 and Zenith1 Small models only
1613022 VENUS1 SCREEN Scratch-resistant polycarbonate viewer for Venus1 model
1903047 VENUS1 PROTECTIVE FILMS* Adhesive films to be applied only to the Venus1 model mask
0601023 FILTER P3 Dust Filter
0601046 A2P3 FILTER Filter for organic vapours and dusts
0601067 FILTER A2 Organic Vapor Filter
0601025 FILTER A2B2P3 Filter for organic, inorganic vapours and dusts
0601049 FILTER ABE2K1P3 Filter for organic and inorganic vapours, acid gases and sulphur dioxide, ammonia and dusts
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