Pronta Consegna
Tax included
  • 250 ml
  • 1 L bottle

For plant protection products

For plant protection products:

--WARNING-- Before purchasing plant protection products, always consult the updated label on the website: as the registrations may change and be different from what is reported in the description on the product page.

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Active ingredient
Copper metal (in the form of tribasic sulphate)
Phytophthora spp.
Plasmopara viticola
Grapevine downy mildew
Bremia lactucae
Lettuce blight
Pseudodowny mildew cubensis
Cucurbitaceae blight
Pseudomonas syringae
Bacterial spotting
Guignardia bidwellii
Black rot - Black rot of the berries
Spilocaea oleagina
Peacock Eye
17 Items
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