1. Dacus Trap
Dacus is a totally organic attractant trap that, thanks to the liquid food attractant inside, attracts the olive fly and captures it, thus allowing an important decrease in the presence of the pest.
The application is very simple, in fact it is enough to place the trap at a height of about 1, 5 m to shelters from sunlight to prevent evaporation of the liquid and is activated by simply removing the seal on the bottle.
The 'effectiveness of the trap lasts for about six months.
2. Kaolin
Kaolin is a natural sedimentary rock powder that possesses different coloration i.e., it varies between white to grayish yellow. Its typical white coloration, structural characteristics, natural origin and low cost make it suitable for countless uses in agriculture, organic and even conventional.
Kaolin turns out to be a good corroborant, that is, an enhancer of the plant's natural defenses, acting mechanically, going both to reduce water stress and leaf scald.
The use of kaolin will form a white patina on the leaf that functions as a kind of "air conditioner."
Another important feature of kaolin is its repellent and distracting action against the fruit fly, which, because of the color and olfactory variation, will not be able to locate the drupe to be affected.
3. Soil fertilization
Potassium plays a key role in the olive, especially at this particular phenological stage, just think that this macroelement plays a key role in the accumulation of oil in the olive. In fact, more than 50 percent of the plant's potassium requirement goes to the fruit.
This is why it is important to perform ground fertilization with agromaster 12.12.22 + Ca + Mg, a high potassium fertilizer.
Thanks to its E-Max (controlled release) Release Technology it will improve crop yields by going to reduce losses through leaching and volatilization ,providing nutrient release in a planned manner based on the plant's needs