For your Organic Home Garden

The home garden is a healthy and antidepressant practice, as well as a constructive hobby. Have you always wanted to grow a vegetable garden in your garden or on the terrace but don't know how? On this page we will give you the right advice and offer you a series of products to create your sustainable organic garden with low environmental impact.

How to make an organic vegetable garden at home

Let's get to the point and then see how to cultivate the vegetable garden

1. Preparing the vegetable garden

The preparation of the vegetable garden will take place through good tillage of the soil and the application of a fertilizer, preferably organic:


Because it is a pelleted fertilizer, rich in organic matter and with a good dose of nitrogen. This helps to give a stimulus to the departure of the seedlings.

After its administration, we advise you to carry out a light tillage of the soil in order to make it bind well to the fertilizer itself. The dose is 50-75 kg per 1000 square meters of land.

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2. Transplantation

It would be a good idea to add:


Because it is a microgranular product based on mycorrhizae and rhizosphere bacteria. It must be located at sowing/transplanting or tamping, near the seedling. Bio grow enriches the soil with microorganisms useful for plant development. It increases soil fertility and limits or prevents the development of fungi that are harmful to the root system.

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3. Defense

For the defense against fungi and bacteria that attack the leaves, good results are obtained with:


This particular formulation has the characteristic of inducing resistance to pathogens by stimulating the production of phytoalexins. It has an excellent reaction against the most common fungal diseases such as: powdery mildew, downy mildew, alternaria and bacteriosis. 

It is useful to add a foliar fertilizer such as:

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If there are zucchini, tomatoes, peppers in your garden, the fight against viruses must be tighter, we have experimented with two products, which coupled and treated the crops regularly 7-10 days, have given excellent results:

the doses refer to 100 litres, or:

  • Vitaseve at 500 cc + 
  • Silver to 200 cc.    

Kendal Te and Silver can be alternated or use Silver once and Kendal Te twice, this only for reasons of economy.

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4. To protect the seedlings from attacks by mites and aphids and larvae of lepidopteran (suit, moths) in a natural way,  we recommend using 

  • Combo (2 or 3 times) at a dose of 500 cc/hl which has a repellent effect against the main plant pests, plus 
  • Florbac WG, an insecticide based on Bacillus thuringensis, to be used at a dose of 60 - 100 g/hl depending on the crop.

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Products containing entomoparasites are available that are able to fight all harmful insects of agricultural crops (they should not be used preventively):

Larvanem  Against soil larvae and against palm weevil larvae

They are packages of live insects that are delivered directly to your home within 2-3 days of production. 

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5. To protect  plants from mealybugs and whiteflies, intervene with 

  • Oliocin at a dose of 150 ml in 10 liters

alternating it with  

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6. Other useful means of defense to protect our vegetable garden are: 

  • Kaolin: determines an increase in the reflection of the sun's rays, thus preventing damage from sunburn and thermal stress. In addition, the action of kaolin creates a protective layer on the plant that hinders and alters the behavior of phytophagous, e.g. olive fly.
  • Zeolite: it is a rock powder that has a drying effect on vegetation by hindering the formation of fungal diseases
  • Nettle extract: it is a repellent that repels the main phytophage insects of agricultural plants.

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Below we propose a series of articles that could be useful for you to create your home vegetable garden:

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