How to increase the cold resistance of crops:

The most functional systems to protect greenhouse crops from frost remain non-woven fabric and stoves, when this is not possible, foliar treatments can be used.

Before talking about this we will give an example:
"take two glasses of water, add a little salt in one of them, and put them in the freezer;
We will notice that the glass of unsalted water will freeze sooner.! "

This concept can also be applied to our plants, introducing specific salts, this will lower the freezing point.

What products can be used for this purpose?

Our experience today makes us prefer the KILLER FROST.

killer frost

KILLER FROST is a physiological fertilizer with a specific antifreeze function for plants.
It aims to avoid frost damage on more sensitive plant organs such as buds, flowers and small fruits.

Mechanism of action: potassium is a free element capable of having several functions regulation ranging from protein synthesis up to starch accumulation and regulation of water efficiency. Potassium accumulates mainly in the plant cell vacuoles and helps regulate the osmotic pressure within the cell. 
In the event that temperatures drop to freezing point, the mechanical damage is represented by the ice crystals that form in the cell breaking the cell membrane, thus causing the collapse of buds and flowers. The lymph more concentrated cell freezes at a lower temperature and preserves the cell from collapse. 
It has been found that plants that are provided with enough potassium can go through late frosts, without obvious damage, while much of the plants that they are grown on soils lacking in potassium suffer considerable damage. 
This evidence is due to the regulation of the osmotic potential of the water and the reduction of losses of electrolytes caused by frosts. 
High concentrations of K + protect against freezing, lowering the freezing point of the cell solution of the plant. 
Furthermore, a more concentrated potassium cytoplasm is also essential for enzymatic activities involved in the regulation of natural resistance mechanisms frost.
KILLER FROST combines potassium with propandiol, which acts as a surfactant used to transport substances more quickly across the cell membrane, thus accelerating the frost protection process.


- up to - 4°C, use 3.0 L/ha.
- up to - 6°C, use 4.0 L/ha.
- up to - 8°C, use 5.0 L/ha.

The doses are expressed in volumes of water of 600/1000 L per hectare. 
Application can maintain its effectiveness for 24-48 hours depending on the weather conditions, in how much potassium is diluted by the plant by transferring it to other reserve organs.
The greatest damage to horticultural plants is found at the root level, check the state roots and carry out specific treatments to restore functionality of the root system.
The action of KILLER FROST has been tested by measuring the positive effects on the protection of plant organs from frost.

After the frost, apply Megafol at 100 ml quintals to help the plant overcome stress and support metabolic processes.

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