Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Acaricidal Insecticides

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Bathers and Adjuvants

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

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Herbicides Herbicides

Showing 1-18 on 61 articles

Online sale of herbicides, herbicides, pesticides, plant protection products


See also the section Equipment for professional agriculture, Fungicides - Insecticides - Fertilizers, plant growth regulators and biostimulants and Workand accident prevention clothing

Recognize the main weeds:

principali erbe infestanti

Weeding is a practice that has become very widespread in recent years and, as per etymology, serves to eliminate weeds, or weeds.
The latter are inappropriate because they are harmful to our crops and also unsightly.

The herbicide today can be total or selective, systemic or contact and can intervene on an adult plant or an antigerminant.

To obtain the best result, it is very common to use products such as acidifiers, surfactants or anti-drift products.

To buy the correct herbicide , it is necessary to know the types of herbicides that are distinguished according to the following factors:

  • The moment in which they act: they are divided into anti-germinello herbicides, which act preventively, pre-emergence herbicides, which act when the plant is germinating, and post-emergence herbicides, which act on annual and perennial weeds.

  • the action-absorption in the plant: they are divided into herbicides by contact, by foliar absorption and by root absorption.

  • selectivity: they are divided into selective, which act only on weeds, and non-selective, ideal for large areas.

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