Water Safe

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Lawn sowing

MP ROTATOR testine multigetto rotanti Hunter
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Garden irrigation

Ala gocciolante Pluristagionale NaanPC D16 2,2Lt 40 cm 400 mt
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Professional Watering

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Bathers and Adjuvants

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Fertilizers Fertilizers Microelements

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Bathers and Adjuvants

Ala gocciolante gocciolatore cilindrico autocompensante Multibar C
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Professional Watering

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Bathers and Adjuvants

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Lawn fertilizers

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Fertilizers for Fertigation

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Fertilizers for Fertigation

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Lawn fertilizers

Tensiometer soil moisture meter Tensiometer soil moisture meter 2
Item shipped by supplier (about 4 days)

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Garden irrigation

Showing 1-18 on 28 articles

Drought emergency and agriculture

The products recommended by Perfarelalbero to deal with the water crisis

"Water is the principle of all things; plants, animals are nothing but condensed water...."

(Thales of Miletus)

For agricultural crops, between 60 and 70% of accessible fresh water is used and it is estimated that in the next 30 years there will be a 50% increase in demand.

A very worrying figure, if we consider the trends in rainfall and temperature of the planet.

These considerations require a change in our behavior in all areas of human activity and, in particular, in agriculture; a sector that, as we have seen, consumes two-thirds of the planet's accessible fresh water.

Only a deep knowledge of nature, the physiology of plants and the soil that hosts them, can suggest new strategies that can be followed with science and technology.

"Nature is in your hands" and we will be able to do nothing if our actions do not take into account the whole "nature system", that is: soil, biota and plants.

1-The soil: it is not an inert mass of rocks and minerals; it is a complex and complete environment made up of humus, fungi, bacteria, animals and minerals that make up the Biota and that interact with each other through an irreplaceable vehicle: WATER

2-Plants: perfect living organisms, composed of 10% dry matter and 90% WATER.

3-The biota which is the vital environment for plants that are the source of life for all other living beings.

Each of us, guests of this complex system, which Josef Lovelock called GEA in 1979, is called to respectful behavior towards nature, hoping to reverse the trend that leads us towards a world inhospitable to life.

"Nature can only be won by supporting it", said F. Bacon, a message captured by our Water Safe project.

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